Saturday, December 31, 2011

The New Year

A few housekeeping items:

-Terrible blog-upkeep on my part. For some reason, I thought blogging through a tablet computer would make things easier and keep me motivated to update my blog more often...wrong on both accounts.

-BUT! Re-vamping my old laptop and the use of an actual keyboard to go along with my Ipad could make life easier. Yet to be seen.

-It will make it harder to hyperlink and embed videos on the blog may be time for a new computer...

A Year in Review

2011 was a very interesting year upon first glance. It's been my first full year post-college. It's been coming to terms with being an adult...something I had been dreading for a very long time.

I got a job in May. I fulfilled a dream of going to Bonnaroo in June. In August I moved into a wonderful apartment with my girlfriend and quirky cat(s) in tow. I also purchased my first real car in November. Big moves.

Best of 2011 list:

Band: Mumford and Sons (technically their hit album was released in 2010, but people really took notice this year)

Concert: Listing Bonnaroo would be cheating because it is a festival. Best performance there? Arcade Fire closely followed by Florence and the Machine

Album: Black Keys - El Camino, Florence & the Machine - Ceremonials

Book I've read: A Song of Ice and Fire series (I'm a sucker for movie and TV adaptations)

Movie: Drive

Television Show: Parks and Recreation

Goals: --In no particular order as they pop into my head:

-Get back in to shape; Sitting in a cube for 40 hours a day has not jived nicely with my body. Who'da thunk thats bad for you?

-Once in shape, prepare to run a marathon soon after...this is easier than most people really.

-Keep this blog going more consistently if only for my own sanity.

-Be more on the up-and-up with current music and pop culture I can be the unamused guy who says "I heard of them a few months before they were even on the radio," at parties.

-Branch out more with my cooking skills...and everything else in life. I'm not living off frozen food or delivery, but I would like to add a few more entrees to my small palate of cuisines.

-Be nicer

-Listen better, and talk over people less.

-Have a good year