It's amazing how much of a difference a $5 stereo input cord makes. Now, being able to listen to pandora through my phone at night and my old Ipod, it has reinvigorated my passion for finding new music. If pandora isn't your thing (after a few hours, it usually isn't mine either) check out groove shark. It is a little harder to figure out, but if you're worth your salt, you'll find it worthwhile.
-Amazon with top-rate customer service. Book was supposed to have been delivered, probably went somewhere else, and they over-nighted me another copy for free. Earlier last summer my kindle shorted out and they over-nighted me a brand new one for free as well. --Update-- Some kind neighbor of mine threw it under my mailbox. I will now have two copies of the book 'Better than Sex,' by Hunter S. Thompson. If anyone wants the second copy let me know, otherwise I'll send it back.
-Amazon Cloud might be kind of cool. If you have a droid that is. They are giving away 5 gig. of free storage space for your music or files that you can stream from your droid or computer. I refuse to pay for anything music related, so I won't buy any more space but it will be nice to have music on my phone if I'm ever in a pinch.
-Spent $30 between a new checkbook and a Ron Swanson Pyramid of Greatness poster. Hard to tell which will pay bigger dividends. I'm learning towards the Pyramid of Greatness.

-Pretty sad that every single march madness pool I'm in is already pre-determined as to who the winner is. Great for the low seeds making it in, but not that much fun for everyone else.
-Sun needs to come out for summer. College football needs to arrive sooner.

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