Friday, March 18, 2011


Have not posted in a while, because I have been employed in the form of waiting tables. It is not bad work, and I come home with decent cash in my pocket each night. Harder work than anyone really knows outside of the business. Helps that my place of business is located in one of the most rich and eclectic areas of Pittsburgh.

-Finished the books, 'A Prayer for Owen Meany,' and 'Water for Elephants.' Meany was perhaps the most complete and fascinating John Irving book I've read to date, but I still need read 'The World According to Garp,' to feel satisfied.

Elephants lived up to the hype, more or less. The story itself is top notch along with the characters, but the dialogue is lacking and phony at certain junctures. It is fairly obvious the author hasn't written many full-length novels. I'm sure I'll still be at the movie the day of its release with millions of sobbing teenagers and soccer-mom-book-clubs.

-Currently reading the book 'Methland.' Interesting look into small towns and how Methamphetamine has slowly eroded their way of life in every facet. I've seen some of this firsthand, and I can say the book is dead-on. Sad stuff.

-Downloaded the new Decemberists album. By far their best work, albeit short and folksier than any of their previous ventures. I feel as though with the addition of one more song, or longer tracks, it could be damned close to a perfect listening.

-Speaking of perfect, the new Arcade Fire album, 'The Suburbs,' comes even closer to it. No wonder it took home the big award at the grammys. Well deserving of it, and was heart-warming to see the their committee buck popular opinion on multiple things (especially best new artist).

-Both of those albums were downloaded 100% legally through -- promise.

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