Today's song of the day is brought to you by the artist 'City and Colour,' and is titled Body in a Box. For those interested - the entire album is available on for only 3 bucks. Definitely worth a listen. Also, super easy to play on the guitar, but I broke two of my favorite pics strumming along to it for about an hour...
-For continued listening check out the song 'Sleeping Sickness'. If it sounds familiar, that is because CBC made an NHL playoff montage from it during the Pen's Stanley cup run in '09. Be warned -- if you are a fan of these types of videos this can become addicting.
-Finished the book 'Better than Sex, Confessions of a Political Junkie,' and I'll post a full review tomorrow. Suffice to say, it made me yearn for the 90's even though I was still putting my shirts on backwards and learning to tie my shoes during the span in which it was written. Still, I like my generation thankyaverymuch Tom Brokaw.
-Next book up on the docket to read is entitled, 'The Social Animal,' and should be an interesting change from my bookshelf. Rather than try and explain it, just read the synopsis on amazon.
-Big playoff preview vs. Tampa Bay tonight for the Pens. For some reason they don't worry me at all as a team. They just don't have all the pieces together to compete, and don't match up well against the penguins. Especially if Crosby decides to come back for the first round. If they make it out of the first round unscathed, Matt Cooke will be a welcome asset to the PK which has been less than stellar as of late in his absence.
-Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Whatever I feel like posting at any certain time. All good things that any well-rounded person likes.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
It's amazing how much of a difference a $5 stereo input cord makes. Now, being able to listen to pandora through my phone at night and my old Ipod, it has reinvigorated my passion for finding new music. If pandora isn't your thing (after a few hours, it usually isn't mine either) check out groove shark. It is a little harder to figure out, but if you're worth your salt, you'll find it worthwhile.
-Amazon with top-rate customer service. Book was supposed to have been delivered, probably went somewhere else, and they over-nighted me another copy for free. Earlier last summer my kindle shorted out and they over-nighted me a brand new one for free as well. --Update-- Some kind neighbor of mine threw it under my mailbox. I will now have two copies of the book 'Better than Sex,' by Hunter S. Thompson. If anyone wants the second copy let me know, otherwise I'll send it back.
-Amazon Cloud might be kind of cool. If you have a droid that is. They are giving away 5 gig. of free storage space for your music or files that you can stream from your droid or computer. I refuse to pay for anything music related, so I won't buy any more space but it will be nice to have music on my phone if I'm ever in a pinch.
-Spent $30 between a new checkbook and a Ron Swanson Pyramid of Greatness poster. Hard to tell which will pay bigger dividends. I'm learning towards the Pyramid of Greatness.

-Pretty sad that every single march madness pool I'm in is already pre-determined as to who the winner is. Great for the low seeds making it in, but not that much fun for everyone else.
-Sun needs to come out for summer. College football needs to arrive sooner.

Amazon Cloud,
Beaver Stadium,
Pyramid of Greatness,
Ron Swanson
Friday, March 25, 2011
All my old friends, they don't know me now
I can't stop listening to the newest 'Arcade Fire,' album 'The Suburbs.' I've preached about it already, but not matter what type of music you listen to, you need to be listening to this. Each time I think about singling out a particular song, I become attached to another. To make it easy I'll just embed one of the most popular singles from the album. Enjoy.
-Finished the book Methland recently (as referenced in previous posts). Kind of disappointing the author chose to focus only on three or four characters within their town. The D.E.A. stories and folklore was much more interesting. I wanted to hear more about how they combated and took down meth labs instead of a young councilman and his family troubles. The author still does great research and weaves a great true story about the town of Oelwein, Iowa and it's struggles with the drug culture.
-What did surprise me though, was the fact that meth in these towns has proliferated because it was allowing people to work longer hours at their factory jobs, or two jobs at a time. These people weren't shooting heroin in an abandoned house, but trying methamphetmine to support their way of life. It was fromt that point that things went downhill.
-Interesting that CVS and Target are shown as villains for not ID'ing or stopping people from buying multiple forms of cold medicine in which a vital component of meth is drawn from. Seems simple enough to track people in their computer databases, but they compain that they don't want to 'police' people at their stores. In essence, they are a big part of the drug trade.
-Currently reading a large book about Pearl Harbor. Eerily familiar how we a government and military knew both attacks (Dec. 7th, 9/110 were immenently impending yet were completely unprepared for both. Different situations to be sure, but same lack of preperation. The book made an apt analogy in saying america's attitude was that no one would be dumb enough to attack us, it would be as incredulous as "...a mouse attacking the cat."
-I'd like to retract what I previously said about Rebbeca Black. She was on Leno and was every bit as bad as one could imagine. Didn't help that her lip syncing track started before she could even get out of her chair.
-Barefoot running still a hit, still love the shoes. Nice enough out for the bike too. Exciting times.
-Finished the book Methland recently (as referenced in previous posts). Kind of disappointing the author chose to focus only on three or four characters within their town. The D.E.A. stories and folklore was much more interesting. I wanted to hear more about how they combated and took down meth labs instead of a young councilman and his family troubles. The author still does great research and weaves a great true story about the town of Oelwein, Iowa and it's struggles with the drug culture.
-What did surprise me though, was the fact that meth in these towns has proliferated because it was allowing people to work longer hours at their factory jobs, or two jobs at a time. These people weren't shooting heroin in an abandoned house, but trying methamphetmine to support their way of life. It was fromt that point that things went downhill.
-Interesting that CVS and Target are shown as villains for not ID'ing or stopping people from buying multiple forms of cold medicine in which a vital component of meth is drawn from. Seems simple enough to track people in their computer databases, but they compain that they don't want to 'police' people at their stores. In essence, they are a big part of the drug trade.
-Currently reading a large book about Pearl Harbor. Eerily familiar how we a government and military knew both attacks (Dec. 7th, 9/110 were immenently impending yet were completely unprepared for both. Different situations to be sure, but same lack of preperation. The book made an apt analogy in saying america's attitude was that no one would be dumb enough to attack us, it would be as incredulous as "...a mouse attacking the cat."
-I'd like to retract what I previously said about Rebbeca Black. She was on Leno and was every bit as bad as one could imagine. Didn't help that her lip syncing track started before she could even get out of her chair.
-Barefoot running still a hit, still love the shoes. Nice enough out for the bike too. Exciting times.
barefoot running,
rebecca black,
The Aracade Fire
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I am better than CNN
A few weeks ago I posted that Charlie Sheen might just be pulling an even bigger Joaquin Phoenix on the world. CNN wrote the same thing...only two days later when all the pundits caught on. I don't want to say that I was the first person to think of it, because the fine people of twitter obviously have wit and knowledge as well, but did CNN really think they were being original by pointing this out?
-Matt Cooke suspended for the rest of the season and the first round of the playoffs? Hurts, but won't kill the penguins. The Wilkes-Barre guys have been playing better anyways and its looking like Sid will return around the playoffs. The only area that the pens really missed Cooke last night was on the penalty kill, where Detroit did whatever they wanted.
-Love beating Detroit, but hate spotting them the point. Big time game at Philly on Friday.
-Work going well. Nice to have cash in my pocket each night I work.
-Don't understand the criticism for Rebecca Black and her music video. Sure, it has the production value and production of a middle-schooler, but that is what she is. But the fact that people are complaining about how bad the lyrics are...really? These are the same people that brought today's pop stars to fame. With the likes of Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and countless other Disney stars, there is no room to complain.
-It is terrible though -- every part of it.
-Matt Cooke suspended for the rest of the season and the first round of the playoffs? Hurts, but won't kill the penguins. The Wilkes-Barre guys have been playing better anyways and its looking like Sid will return around the playoffs. The only area that the pens really missed Cooke last night was on the penalty kill, where Detroit did whatever they wanted.
-Love beating Detroit, but hate spotting them the point. Big time game at Philly on Friday.
-Work going well. Nice to have cash in my pocket each night I work.
-Don't understand the criticism for Rebecca Black and her music video. Sure, it has the production value and production of a middle-schooler, but that is what she is. But the fact that people are complaining about how bad the lyrics are...really? These are the same people that brought today's pop stars to fame. With the likes of Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and countless other Disney stars, there is no room to complain.
-It is terrible though -- every part of it.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Have not posted in a while, because I have been employed in the form of waiting tables. It is not bad work, and I come home with decent cash in my pocket each night. Harder work than anyone really knows outside of the business. Helps that my place of business is located in one of the most rich and eclectic areas of Pittsburgh.
-Finished the books, 'A Prayer for Owen Meany,' and 'Water for Elephants.' Meany was perhaps the most complete and fascinating John Irving book I've read to date, but I still need read 'The World According to Garp,' to feel satisfied.
Elephants lived up to the hype, more or less. The story itself is top notch along with the characters, but the dialogue is lacking and phony at certain junctures. It is fairly obvious the author hasn't written many full-length novels. I'm sure I'll still be at the movie the day of its release with millions of sobbing teenagers and soccer-mom-book-clubs.
-Currently reading the book 'Methland.' Interesting look into small towns and how Methamphetamine has slowly eroded their way of life in every facet. I've seen some of this firsthand, and I can say the book is dead-on. Sad stuff.
-Downloaded the new Decemberists album. By far their best work, albeit short and folksier than any of their previous ventures. I feel as though with the addition of one more song, or longer tracks, it could be damned close to a perfect listening.
-Speaking of perfect, the new Arcade Fire album, 'The Suburbs,' comes even closer to it. No wonder it took home the big award at the grammys. Well deserving of it, and was heart-warming to see the their committee buck popular opinion on multiple things (especially best new artist).
-Both of those albums were downloaded 100% legally through -- promise.
-Finished the books, 'A Prayer for Owen Meany,' and 'Water for Elephants.' Meany was perhaps the most complete and fascinating John Irving book I've read to date, but I still need read 'The World According to Garp,' to feel satisfied.
Elephants lived up to the hype, more or less. The story itself is top notch along with the characters, but the dialogue is lacking and phony at certain junctures. It is fairly obvious the author hasn't written many full-length novels. I'm sure I'll still be at the movie the day of its release with millions of sobbing teenagers and soccer-mom-book-clubs.
-Currently reading the book 'Methland.' Interesting look into small towns and how Methamphetamine has slowly eroded their way of life in every facet. I've seen some of this firsthand, and I can say the book is dead-on. Sad stuff.
-Downloaded the new Decemberists album. By far their best work, albeit short and folksier than any of their previous ventures. I feel as though with the addition of one more song, or longer tracks, it could be damned close to a perfect listening.
-Speaking of perfect, the new Arcade Fire album, 'The Suburbs,' comes even closer to it. No wonder it took home the big award at the grammys. Well deserving of it, and was heart-warming to see the their committee buck popular opinion on multiple things (especially best new artist).
-Both of those albums were downloaded 100% legally through -- promise.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Song of the Day
You may or may not have heard this song on various TV shows or movie trailers but I like it, and wanted to post it up for all to enjoy. Enjoy.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
What we've got here is failure to communicate...
Currently reading 'The Dharma Bums,' by Jack Kerouac. Some observations.
-I've read all his other books, and this is probably my third favorite behind 'On the Road,' and 'Big Sur.'
-Funny that as a writer/poet who was making decent money, he was blowing it all on wine and liqour. Wasn't the first, wasn't the last.
-Also funny that his only source of new clothing were the .50 cent flannel shirts he bought from goodwill. In fact, it seems like his entire wardrobe was from there. If that didn't solidify him as cost-efficient, hopping rides up and down the west coast on freight trains sure did. He was a winner.
-Kerouac never over-galmour-izes California, because he never needs to. Instead of bragging about great weather and gorgeous women, he shows the reader the beauty of climbing mountains and camping in log cabins with friends. No TV, no radio, and hardly ever any music. Just him, his wine, and his friends.
-To me, he seems like the anti-Hunter S. Thompson. Whereas Thompson (secretly and not so secretly) loved the attention his drug use and gonzo journalistic bravado brought him, Kerouac never seemed to embrace any of the fame that came his way while he was alive. They are from two different times, styles, and locations, but both hold basically the same spot in literary respect and style.
-Which brings me to my last were these two legends able to capture so much? To be more specific, were they bringing along tape recorders everywhere they went? In this day and age it'd be a lot easier, but it seems like (and I'm too lazy to do exact research) they recaptured all their stories from memories. Or from Ralph Steadman's illustrations which he supposedly doodled whilst trying to keep up with Thompsons maniacal drug bingings. If I had money, and lots of it, I would be buying some of his originals.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I really think Charlie Sheen's recent rampage is a stunt, much like the Joaquin Phoenix mockumentary, 'I'm Still Here,' (free on netflix instant if you so choose).
He said he was tired of the 'aw shucks' attitude and that he lived a 'grandiose' lifestyle, and I think that if you want to hire porn stars to live with you and do whatever you want, more power to you. If he did indeed test negative for drugs, then the joke is on everyone else.

Which brings me to an even bigger point. How in the world is 'Two and a Half Men,' the top rated show on television? Really? Honestly? Who is watching this show? I don't know one single person who does consistently -- but someone must. Is it him?
I'm really not one for judging-wait-yes I am, and if you are someone who watches the show and drove up the ratings I have just lost a little respect. You are probably his biggest enabler, and the fact he was getting $2 million per episode. That is a lot of bacon, and for that amount, he should be living a grandiose lifestyle
In other news I purchased a pair of Vivobarefoots today, after reading 'Born to Run.' Not much to report back to the homefront other than the fact that they are pretty stylish and feel great to walk in. One chica compared them to Buzz Lightyear shoes...which I take as a compliment. Check them out.

Eager to try them out, I am. Apparently you can seriously injure yourself if you dont work your way up from only a mile per day. Fine by me.
He said he was tired of the 'aw shucks' attitude and that he lived a 'grandiose' lifestyle, and I think that if you want to hire porn stars to live with you and do whatever you want, more power to you. If he did indeed test negative for drugs, then the joke is on everyone else.

Which brings me to an even bigger point. How in the world is 'Two and a Half Men,' the top rated show on television? Really? Honestly? Who is watching this show? I don't know one single person who does consistently -- but someone must. Is it him?
I'm really not one for judging-wait-yes I am, and if you are someone who watches the show and drove up the ratings I have just lost a little respect. You are probably his biggest enabler, and the fact he was getting $2 million per episode. That is a lot of bacon, and for that amount, he should be living a grandiose lifestyle
In other news I purchased a pair of Vivobarefoots today, after reading 'Born to Run.' Not much to report back to the homefront other than the fact that they are pretty stylish and feel great to walk in. One chica compared them to Buzz Lightyear shoes...which I take as a compliment. Check them out.

Eager to try them out, I am. Apparently you can seriously injure yourself if you dont work your way up from only a mile per day. Fine by me.
barefoot running,
Ben Davis,
Born to run,
bree olsen,
Charlie Sheen,
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